The plan says: Site of Pudong airport taxi raises group of airport of Shanghai of the efficiency that send a car to say for plan plan: Building of 2 boat station gives Pudong airport staff member of bar of dispatch of ask a question gives group of airport of blessing word Shanghai to offer graph to the passenger during the Spring Festival grew a holiday 2宝山有没有浴场荤场、019, aviation gives a dem阿拉爱上海同城交友对对碰、and to continue to maintain growth momentum, shanghai Pudong and airliner of rainbow bridge airport last perch moves, experience weather of fresh gale, frost, ice and snow, pudong airport is pilot the multiple test such as airliner of late night delay time, two big airport volume of Shanghai innovate again tall. On Feburary 4 – 10 day上海狼族藏凤阁1314、s, shanghai falls twice since safeguard airliner in all 14772 sortie, day all makes an appointment with 2110 sortie, gro夜上海ysh论坛、w 4.26% compared to the same period. Pudong airport guarantees a flight number in all 9588 sortie, among them, overwork charter flight 448 sortie, airliner of late night delay time 154 sortie, day all 1370 sortie, grow 3.31% compared to the same period; Rainbow bridge airport guarante上海外滩桑拿娱乐会所、es a flight number in all 5184 sort上海男士spa、ie, among them, overwork charter flight 248 sortie, day all 741 sortie, grow 6.06% compared to the same period. Passenger of harbor of two pass in and out of Shanghai 2.355 million person-time, day all three hundred and thirty-six thousand four hundred person-time, grow 9.9% compared to the same period. Passenger of harbor of Pudong airport pass in and out 1.528 million person-time, day all two hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred person-time, grow 8.51% compared to the same period; Passenger of harbor of pass in and out of rainbow 上海水阿拉爱上海同城对对碰交尤、磨场2019、bridge airport 827 thousand person-time, day all one hu上海南美水疗按摩、ndred and eighteen thousand one hundred person-time, grow 12.48% compared to the same period. During the Spring Festival grows a holiday, quantity of Shanghai airport airliner and passenger handling capacity all innovate tall. The plan says: Mo Lei of exercise of snow of deice of aerostat of rainbow bridge airport photographs a graph to say: Rainbow bridge airport installs check to guard group of ai上海乌克兰外菜、rport of Shanghai of air defence safety to grow a holiday 7 days for graph the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year’s Day, normal ratio achieves discharged of airport of bridge of Pudong, rainbow respectively 88.48% , 91.8% , up to now, discharged led airport of bridge of Pudong, rainbow to be respectively normally Feburary 86.58% , 91.87%2019上海有花头的浴场、 , all came true to book a target. The beginning of the year 4 (on Feburary 8) , suffer the effect o上海男士spa哪里比较好、f multiple and adverse weather such as ice and snow, frost, gale, airport of bridge of Pudong, rainbow only then hair airliner discharged leads those who experienced the raise after oring first to go normally situat一指金山足疗保健spa怎么样、ion. Use of two big airports is in charge of appoint each un寻甸金山水疗什么价位、it is strengthened in coordination, clasp, start attune of snow of deice of path of aerostat deice snow, field, airliner in time to decrease w松江新城spa、ait for the job, that day deice of Pudong airport aerostat