Is robot service try to please the public with claptrap or innovation brand? Use the development that serves technology of navigation of robot fixed position as business, robot service has extended a lot of circumstance such as bazaar, dining-room, hotel, KTV, museum. Greet guest to recieve besides implementation, lead cravat way besides, still can offer for the client guide buy explain, information consult. . . Is robot service try to please the public with claptrap or innovation brand? Use the development that serves technology of navigation of robot fixed position as business, robot service has extended a lot of circumstance such as bazaar, dining-room, hotel, 上海奉贤荤场ktvKTV, museum. Greet guest to recieve besides implementation, lead cravat way besides, still can offer for水磨是什么服务怎么做干磨与水磨的区别 the client guide buy explain, information seeks advice, the service such as advertisement recreation. Shenzhen of city of Beijing Xidan exultation water of Nanjing of 9 shopping centers swims city unifinication of recreation of advertisement of navigation of square of triumphant heart of shopping centers Shanghai comes 上海 自带工作室女round to shop to attract customer, business makes bazaar new window with service robot. Be in this 61, want you to come to Xidan only exultation city, can experience brand-new shopping experience. Before going up actively, the member that the robot welcomes guest is sent his respects to ” welcome aboard ” , active face about hints, “The store that can choose to want to go through my UI advertisement screen ” , after waiting for destination of make choice of, start navigation instantly, hint ” follow please tighten me ” . In road of lead the way, the screen of double-faced and high-definition advertisement of the robot still broadcasts松江水疗KB bazaar to hit in real time break sales pr上海龙庭spaomotion news, encounter the other pedestrian that turning appears suddenly, stop instantly and speech hints ” blocking me, I work even. ” , next safe steer clear of, go before own program course afresh, reach destination, still can hint heart to heart ” destination has been achieved, I should go back, expect to serve for you next time. ” robot of base oneself upon moves to offer Li Tong of CEO of Fang Qinglang intelligence to introduce with service robot according to afore-mentioned completely own business without course, prop up bright the robot can be inside sealed space, safe, accurate, apace realizes the shift between two eye punct上海油压群uation, answer all sorts of circumstances on the roa上海半套服务 上海周边哪里有半套的d, real help mankind ” do legwork ” , the L4 level high accura上海水磨会所价格多少cy that batholith of profit from robot uses company own research and development is indoor navigation technology, lidar plan and visual plan photograph are shirt-sleeve, realize SLAM to build graph, fixed position and method pro奉贤大唐水疗休闲会所gram effect better; Avoiding on block program, use lidar + machine vision + the much sensor such as deepness vision