167923 electric equipment exhibit 111124 Taipei 1439104 days Xiao of 60031 outstanding achievement Liao Quanping announces directors of 167923 electric equipment hanse yesterday, sound of image of 3C of air conditioning of Taipei electric equipment exhibits 16 days to come 19 days greatly one house holds false world trade, force Pan sells 1.8813314E15 yuan 1439104 days. Friendlying row of favo阿拉爱上海 验证区李姐ur of beauty of graph / Shenyang imprints on March 14, 2018 04:1Consortium of commerce of electric equipment of city of Taipei of report of Taipei of / of favour of beauty of Shenyang of 0 industrial and徐汇海景国际桑拿会所 commercial times sponsors sound of image of 3C of air conditioning of Taipei electric equipment to be exhibited greatly, this Zhou Wu to trade of 19 days of false worlds one house is held, join number of the businessman that exhibit a plant and booth digit to all innovate this year tall, advocate make energy-saving home appliance, riverside of SamSung, Xia Pu, flying benefit and day stand wait for many manufacturer to be joined depreciate battle, force Pan sells the year’s harvest of 60031 outstanding achievement 4 days to grow 1 into above, 1.4 billion yuan look on. Liao Quanping of director of consortium of commerce of Taipei electric equipment expresses, electric equipment consortium 快活林龙凤信息comes every year in March the middle ten days of a month sponsorred sound of image of 3C of air conditioning of Taipei electric equipment to be exhibited greatly in April, stall counts nearly 500 this year, year add 1 into many, ginseng of brand of a gleam of exhibits at least 20 many stall. PANASONIC, SONY, SHARP, BENQ, big gold, LG, SamSung, Fuji is connected, riverside of 3 water chestnut, flying benefit, day stands, east yuan, acoustical treasure, strange beauty, song forest, Aimeite, benefit riverside, Yilaikesi, advocate dozen accord with CSPF can kosher machine, dehumidify machine reachs TV of liquid crystal of the air conditioning of effect and freezer, 8K, air 10 thousand with the life su上海宝山 桑拿ch as boiler home appliance reachs wisdom home appliance. Liao Quanping points out, for absorbing tide, this hold a memorial ceremony for goes out to look freely exhibit, always make an appointment look exhibit or spot consumption is full certificate of 1000 yuan of 5 exchangeable tombola, daily afternoon 5 when take out east yuan the treasure that reach sound TV of 43 liquid crystal, 4 days of add up to send 100 liquid crystal TV. He beforehand appraise 4 days of outstanding achievement but from last year 1.2 billion enlarge is added reach 1.4 billion yuan. SamSung carries TV of curved surface of gold of 65 4K this to depreciate at a heat 45 thousand reach eighty-nine thousand nine hundred yuan, send the 64G of SamSung S9 the mobile phone again. End of flying benefit riverside gives 上海浦东不正规按摩店推荐Saeco full automatic machine of justice type coffee extends price of field sales promotion from cost price 60 th苏州高端莞式水磨ousand kill reach forty-nine thousand nine hundred yuan, send value beans of 20 thousand yuan of coffee again change ticket; Flying benefit riverside wisdom of WIFI of 3 Nai rice air kosher machine depreciates 10 thousand to 28, 888 yuan, flying benefit Pu Zhengqian divides dirty machine to extend price of field sales promotion e虹口世纪洗浴桑拿会所xcept oil completely next killing 32 fold only 1, 388 yu松江区有水磨的地方吗an, kosher machine exhibits a魔都桑拿论坛ir of embellis杨浦区ktv荤场子h of water of rice of Nai of flying benefit riverside price of field sales promotion is made an appointment with 44 fold, from 16, 888 yuan fall to 闵行kb论坛7, 500 yuan. Taiwan summer general advocate make special offer of TV of true 8K liquid crystal 349, 000 yuan send APPLE TV 4K 32GB微信招嫖自带工作室靠谱吗 TV again, taiwan day establishs home appliance advocate push dehumidify to reach add wet admiral air kosher machine depreciates 10 thousand yuan and for 29, 900 yuan. (Industrial and commercial times) capacitance of Great Harmony sun’s rays challenges 300MW Chen Ju: Stretch double arm to welcome Liu Ke industrial and commercial times is recommended read publish an opinion to leave a message the character that the electron when regulation is medium signs up for the person that to leaving a message the system is used to release, pictur闵行水磨会所论坛e or case retain be revised one-sidedly or move the right that remove. 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