“Not hesitate invest 50 billion yuan, before wanting to do 10 big… ” recently, home appliance tycoon casts the cause that gave his to go up in chip industry in succession. Afterwards Dong Mingzhu is high-key say division force will not hesitate external after casting 50 billion yuan enter chip field, kang Jia group also alleged recently, health beautiful group will establish department of career of semiconductor science and technology, march formally semiconductor industry. This is since 1999, home appliance tycoon the 2nd large-scale march chip industry. When those, china increases pair of chip industries give aid to, publish 松江荤场价格relevant policy to undertake supportive, tycoon of much home home阿拉爱上海 验证贴 阿拉爱上海手机版 appliance tries to explore chip field. Be in nevertheless this only in time of 20 years, can insist to come down truly, become the dimensions of this one industry company of big 196057 home appliance not much. And be in this the home appliance tycoons in transition decide lock of line of sight aga阿拉爱上海 会员验证区in was in on chip industry, and ambition is not small. The personage inside course of study thinks, as intelligent home appliance arisen, home appliance market increases considerably to the demand of chip. Home appliance product is mixed in the memorial function of chip store on the function, more relative than PC and mobile phone demand wants little, but this does not mean the chip that uses on home appliance is low end, the technology is not sophisticated, the enterprise enters doorsill of this one domain to be met low. C上海千花上海后花园hip needs the in上海金色年代荤场素场vestment of huge fund, technology and talent. The manufacturer of 195487 home appliance that did not accumulate in this one domain cannot rushed enter. Capital, tech全套水磨和干磨的区别nology, talent is 3 big camp recently, health beautiful group announces to establish department of career of semiconductor science and technology, 闵行区spa微信march formally semiconductor industry. And before one’s early years, TCL of black phone company, long rainbow already entered chip field, increasing the dilate in this one domain continuously. And this health beautiful the force with which sth breaks out is roaring, the target is to use 5 years – c上海黄浦区干磨会所ompany of conductor of before 10 years time becomes country 10 most. And long rainbow also is the business of 196057 home appliance that enters chip industry earlier, it already can wait for all sorts of electric home appliances